N. Korean websites condemn US for intervening in inter

行业动态 2024-09-22 08:36:05 16285

North Korea's propaganda media on Thursday hurled criticism at the United States for intervening in inter-Korean affairs.

Uriminzokkiri, a website controlled by the Pyongyang government, said in a commentary that unreasonable interference by foreign forces should be thoroughly resisted.

"The problem is that the United States speaks openly about peace guarantee on the Korean Peninsula and support for improvement in inter-Korean relations but its behavior is contradictory in practice," said the commentary.

It then accused Washington of "stupidly" intervening in inter-Korean affairs, saying the United States has put pressure on South Korea not to deviate from sanctions in pushing for exchanges and cooperation with the North.

The commentary came as Washington officials have reportedly moved to rein in the South Korean government's effort to speed up inter-Korean cooperation and exchanges.

Officials in Seoul say an acceleration of inter-Korean cooperation will help promote North Korea's talks with the US and denuclearization. But Washington insists that rapid progress in inter-Korean economic cooperation would weaken international sanctions on Pyongyang.

Meanwhile, Meari, an external propaganda website run by the North's regime, criticized the US government for putting the brakes on the two Koreas' joint field study on connecting railways over border and asking South Korean banks to abide by anti-North sanctions.

"What kind of rights does the United States have to intervene in inter-Korean affairs? We would never achieve our people's wish and big aspiration, as long as we remain hesitant due to pressure from the selfish United States," said the website. (Yonhap)




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