Michael Flynn mishandled classified material in 2010.

资讯 2024-09-22 12:33:13 8852

Michael Flynn is a retired lieutenant general who is going to be Donald Trump’s national security adviser. During the presidential campaign, Flynn hammered Hillary Clinton for keeping classified information on a private server, leading audiences in chants of “lock her up” and suggesting that he’d have been jailed if he had done what Clinton had done.

Here are some choice passages from a Wednesday Washington Postreport:

Michael T. Flynn … “inappropriately shared” classified information with foreign military officers in Afghanistan, newly released documents show.


The Army documents … state explicitly that the Central Command investigation determined that Flynn did not have permission to share the particular secrets he divulged. The Defense Department’s inspector general, which conducted an independent review of the investigation, came to the same conclusion, the documents show.

Hey, that’s hypocritical!

Making his case even more like Clinton’s: Flynn was ultimately not disciplined or reprimanded because investigators determined that he did not “knowingly” expose the classified information and did not cause any actual harm to national security by doing so.


*Correction, Dec. 14, 2016: This post originally misstated that investigators determined that Flynn had “knowingly” exposed classified information. They concluded that he had not knowingly done so.

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