Yongsan reports Polish virus patient to police for breaking quarantine

新闻中心 2024-09-21 23:33:52 92
Yongsan District in Seoul said Tuesday it has sought a police investigation of a Polish patient of COVID-19 accusing him of violating his 14-day quarantine.

The district filed a complaint against the man in his 40s with Yongsan Police Station on Monday.

The Polish national was ordered to self-isolate from March 13-26 after coming into contact with another Polish national who tested positive. The man was later diagnosed with COVID-19 infection.

Following his diagnosis, the office found out that he had carried out outdoor activities and chores in his neighborhood in violation of the Infectious Diseases Control and Prevention Act.

“We will respond strictly to those who do not comply with self-quarantine,” said Yongsan Mayor Sung Jang-Hyun.

The case comes as the country toughens up against quarantine breaches, with several local authorities actually taking their warnings into action, filing damage lawsuits and criminal complaints against alleged violators.

Those found violating self-quarantine can be penalized up to 3 million won ($2,460) under the current law.

Starting April 5th, stricter punishments of up to a year in prison, or maximum penalty of 10 million won, will be enforced.

By Kim Bo-gyung (lisakim425@heraldcorp.com)



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