Moon visits dementia patients

行业动态 2024-09-22 04:33:27 7469

President Moon Jae-in visited dementia patients Friday in his third onsite inspection since taking office, declaring comprehensive support for those affected.

Moon visited a nursing home in Segok-dong, southern Seoul, where he met with patients, their families and caregivers to listen to their concerns.

President Moon Jae-in makes pots of flowers with senior citizens at a state-operated nursing home in Seoul on June 2, 2017. (Yonhap)President Moon Jae-in makes pots of flowers with senior citizens at a state-operated nursing home in Seoul on June 2, 2017. (Yonhap)
The president had stressed during the election campaign that the government should take more responsibility for the treatment of dementia and proposed launching a state program to handle the issue.

Under the program, the government would increase the number of support centers for affected patients, build hospitals dedicated to treating the disease and establish relevant links across the medical, welfare and nursing sectors.

Moon also promised to introduce caps on the financial burden placed on those insured against dementia.

On Thursday, he instructed his senior aides to draw up a detailed plan to realize the proposed program and report to him by the end of the month. (Yonhap)




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